trying too hard 068: Keep Trying (but Not So Hard) I recall a coach telling his players during a conditioning session: "Find your try...and keep trying!" File that away for useful motivation when you'd rather not...try, that is. When you lose your "try" its difficult to maintain any semblance of movement or
dealing with irritation 067: There Are Pearls in Those Irritations You Face This topic might get "under-your-skin." I'm talking about life's major or minor irritations that find their way into your life and shift your emotional response into high-gear. While you'd like to avoid irritations there's actually a pearl of wisdom within
holiday stress 057: Bring Your Age and Experience to the Holiday Table Ah...the holidays. I hope you realize that aging and second half living has given you your fair share of holiday experiences - good and bad I would assume. Keep in mind that you're among those who... Have raised your kids. Have a grandchild or two...or perhaps
legacy 051: Bring Forward What You’ve Put Behind You - the Next Generation Could Use Your Wisdom Pay it forward or bring it forward. The key is forward. The topic of experience and wisdom is mentioned a lot around here. Frankly, if you're in the sweet-spot of our PGL (Personal Growth and Longevity) tribe's age range (late 40's and beyond) you&
wisdom 047: How to Share Your Accumulated Wisdom in a Soundbite Generation "Walk with the wise and become wise;..." - Proverbs 13:20 I want my wisdom to be walk-worthy (like that biblical quote implies). How about you? Heck, we who are fully engaged in our second-half era of life have earned the right to share our walk-along wisdom. No
aging 038: What a Road Trip Can Teach You About Keeping Things in Perspective It's amazing how a family road trip puts life in perspective. Everyone piles in. You have your journey mapped-out (with flexibility baked in, of course). And the journey begins. Life too can feel like one big family road trip. My related reflections come on the heels of a
personal growth 035: Why I'm Nothing Less Than Passionate About Personal Growth, Longevity, and Aging Well I'm certainly unapologetic about my passion for personal growth and longevity and all things related to aging well! Hey, I'm in the thick of my second half era of life and I'd prefer to embrace it, enjoy it, and engage with others who are
generational curses 032: It's Time to Own Those Generational Curses and Renew Your Legacy "You can choose your friends but you're stuck with your family." Whoever said that understood that "stuck" can mean a variety of things. You could be "stuck" wondering what to do about a wayward family member. "Stuck" in a vortex
personal growth 030: Observations About Personal Growth and Longevity as a Half-Marathon Spectator My observations began the day our youngest daughter informed us about her plan. That is, her plan to run a half-marathon - as in 13.1 miles. I could relate to her excitement having been a runner in previous years. But I must admit my longest running event was a
influence 021: Be the Lead Domino Ever watch one of those domino videos? Someone with a lot of time and patience sets up a series of dominos then the critical moment arrives... They gently tap the lead domino setting the entire creation in motion. It's fascinating to watch! Let's explore what it