personal growth 035: Why I'm Nothing Less Than Passionate About Personal Growth, Longevity, and Aging Well I'm certainly unapologetic about my passion for personal growth and longevity and all things related to aging well! Hey, I'm in the thick of my second half era of life and I'd prefer to embrace it, enjoy it, and engage with others who are
carefree lifestyle 034: Carefree...Is That An Achievable (or Worthwhile) Way to Live? Ever feel like you're carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders? Well, certainly not the weight of the entire world (at least I hope not)...but maybe your own little corner of it. And perhaps you've discovered that while aging lightens the load a
personal growth 033: Chase That Feeling...You Might Be Amazed at How It Helps You Age Well My wife and I recently celebrated 40 years of marriage. That's a milestone we do not take for granted. There are a number of factors that have contributed to our marital milestone. But mostly we've "chased the feeling" of doing what works (for us)
weakness 031: Ignore at Your Own Risk (Your Weaknesses, That Is) "You can ignore your weaknesses, but you can't expect them to not impact you. The weakness of the coach shapes the players. The weakness of the teacher influences the students. The weakness of the parent molds the child." - James Clear How often do you think
personal growth 030: Observations About Personal Growth and Longevity as a Half-Marathon Spectator My observations began the day our youngest daughter informed us about her plan. That is, her plan to run a half-marathon - as in 13.1 miles. I could relate to her excitement having been a runner in previous years. But I must admit my longest running event was a
adaptability 029: Can You Adapt When Necessary? Resilience is a common theme in my content. But perhaps you feel that word is a bit too gritty for your tastes. Maybe adaptability is more your cup-of-tea. Personally, I'm all about resilience (and I actually resonate more with the word itself). But lately, adaptability is rolling off
personal growth 025: A Mile-marker It's productive to think of your life in the context of a journey or a perpetual road-trip, if you would. With that in mind, here we are at mile-marker 25. Being issue 25 I wanted to pull over and first say thanks for coming along for the ride.
personal growth 023: Inc. Yourself You can play by your own rules! I'm not talking about being rebellious. But I am talking about being more radical where it's needed. My take on "Inc. yourself," for our context is: incorporate a new brand of growth and aging into your life.
doing hard things 022: What If You Were Okay with Doing-Hard-Things? "Jump into the colder pool. Walk instead of drive. Pick up the book instead of your phone. Take responsibility instead of hoping it goes unnoticed. In matters big and small, courage is choosing the more difficult option." - Ryan Holiday What if you had the power to eliminate
influence 021: Be the Lead Domino Ever watch one of those domino videos? Someone with a lot of time and patience sets up a series of dominos then the critical moment arrives... They gently tap the lead domino setting the entire creation in motion. It's fascinating to watch! Let's explore what it
overthinking 017: Is Overthinking Misunderstood? I have a chronic condition. I'm an overthinker. Since I'm confessing, I believe it's time to "rethink" overthinking. In my opinion, overthinking is basically misunderstanding the power of imperfect action. There's immense power in taking a specific action regardless of
longevity 016: Watch-Your-Language! It Could Put Your Longevity at Risk Remember that annoying phrase you'd hear as a kid when someone said mean words to someone on the playground...? "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never harm me..." I get it. The idea that verbal force seems no match for physical force.
retirement 014: Maybe It's Time to Think About What It Means to "Unretire" (But Before You Freak-Out)... Get ready, because I want to say the "quiet-part" out loud about retirement and the pending retirement years. The "quiet-part" you ask? Essentially, it's all those emotions you have about the second-half of your life - post-employment - that leave you feeling like you&
longevity 013: "Unmask" Longevity and Discover What's Possible as You Age The longevity discussion can be intimidating or engaging - however you look at it or experience it. Maybe the science behind it has you stuck. Let's "unmask" longevity and how I choose to "frame" it - including - but not limited merely to the