longevity 016: Watch-Your-Language! It Could Put Your Longevity at Risk Remember that annoying phrase you'd hear as a kid when someone said mean words to someone on the playground...? "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never harm me..." I get it. The idea that verbal force seems no match for physical force.
hustle 015: Is "Hustle" Not Sustainable In Your Life? You Need a "Plan-Be" Stillness isn't easy. "Just be," someone says. So, you pump the "brakes" but nothing... What you need isn't a "Plan A" for slowing down. You need a "plan-be." "Hustle culture" will often push-back at the idea
retirement 014: Maybe It's Time to Think About What It Means to "Unretire" (But Before You Freak-Out)... Get ready, because I want to say the "quiet-part" out loud about retirement and the pending retirement years. The "quiet-part" you ask? Essentially, it's all those emotions you have about the second-half of your life - post-employment - that leave you feeling like you&
longevity 013: "Unmask" Longevity and Discover What's Possible as You Age The longevity discussion can be intimidating or engaging - however you look at it or experience it. Maybe the science behind it has you stuck. Let's "unmask" longevity and how I choose to "frame" it - including - but not limited merely to the
012: "Act-Your Age" Might Be Bad Advice If You Want to Be Longevity-Minded How do you feel when you hear someone say, "Act your age?" Maybe you've been guilty of saying it. Or perhaps you've repeated it to yourself as you're icing a wound because you casually ignored the question and did it...anyway (you&
011: A 14,000 Foot Experience (and an Amazingly Simple Discovery That Can Drive Your Personal Growth as You Age) It's amazing how a simple action sets the stage for most anything you learn, achieve, or acquire. That's why forward movement is fundamental to your life. But the sticking point for many (perhaps you) is thinking that the path to whatever it is you're
010: Life Expectancy: Yeah, Let's Go There...But With a Better Perspective Does it depress you to think about life expectancy? No judgement here - but let's talk about the whole life expectancy narrative and how there's a much better way to think about the quality (and quantity) of your life. Sure, considering your life expectancy from the
09: How Coachable Are You (or Willing to Be)? Sustainable success on your longevity journey could hinge on a vital personal growth quality. Actually, there are two related components. And they are aligned in your quest for personal growth and longevity. We're talking... Attitude and coachability. Let's start with the core value of coachability. Is
08: Thinking About Longevity: Are You "Locked-In" or "Leveraged?" Talk of age and longevity can create a few potentially polarizing conversation points. For our purposes here, I'd prefer to avoid that. From my point of view (POV) there are two mindsets about longevity. What I call - "locked-in longevity" and "leveraged longevity." One
07: 5 Strategies to Empower Your Habits If the Duke University research is accurate - that habit affects 40% of your daily behvior - it makes sense to get as practical and strategic as possible about growing and sustaining your habits.
06: How to Re-Program Your Mindset for Growth and Longevity In 1988, Dr. Carol Dweck presented a research-based model to show the impact of mindsets. She showed how a person’s mindset sets the stage for your overall quality of life. Her breakthrough research and book that followed proves the significance of re-programing your mindset.
05: Time - Is Managing It Really the Ultimate Goal? Time "management." Let’s think about that concept for a moment. Could it have more to do with your perspective rather than the clock, your calendar, or your task list? Go ahead, check your watch…notice the seconds tick-off. "Time keeps on slippin’…slippin’…slippin’…" (thanks
04: Resilience: Your Leverage to Grow Through Life's Challenges On occasion I'm asked to describe myself using one word. Current mood can affect my response though I typically default to a specific word… Resourceful! But in this context I'll dial-it-up and go with... Resilient! Basically, resilience enables you to withstand or recover quickly from difficult
03: Action That Propels Personal Growth and Longevity Want to improve your life? Of course you do. In a previous post I emphasized that personal growth and longevity cannot be random. And true to theme: there's an A.R.T. to it. For our purposes here, there's an A.R.T. to how I
02: A Better-Than-Random Approach to Personal Growth and Longevity There’s an “art” to personal growth and longevity. Make it a practical, daily habit and your life could change (along with your legacy). Truth is, it’s a process. That’s where the “art” drives the habits you develop. But here’s a common mistake you might be tempted
News 01: Hi! This is Personal Growth & Longevity, a brand new site by Eddie Stephens that's just getting started. Subscribe if you'd like to stay up to date and receive emails when new content is published!