059: Get Unstuck from Sameness

059: Get Unstuck from Sameness
Photo by Max Harlynking / Unsplash

It's the same-ole-same-ole.

How often do you think or say that?

It's likely attached to some boredom inducing reality in your life.

Or it's a rut you find yourself in that you can't steer out of.

It happens to the best of us.

But worse, it gets the best of us and creates feelings of hopelessness and is-this-all-there-is-ness.

Sameness could create a false sense of security as you age - making it vital to get unstuck from the same-ole-same-ole you've possibly grown comfortable with

I would't blame you for pushing-back on the idea that sameness has the potential for false security.

To clarify, I'm not saying routine isn't beneficial.

Consistency does indeed give you a firm grip when life becomes unpredictable or unstable.

But confronting and getting out of the sameness ruts in your life has greater potential to awaken your senses and deepen your self-awareness.

  • Beating boredom releases your creativity
  • See-zing the day rewards you with opportunities
  • Changing the channel reprograms your available options

Beat boredom and boost your creativity

Boredom isn't as much a lack of something to do. It's more of a lack of excercising your creative energy.

When you're stuck in a rut of sameness or an unproductive routine you aren't in a mode to create.

You're merely existing but you're not expanding or growing.

When you feel boredom creeping in:

See-ze the day and awaken to the wonder of being alive

Notice what I did there?

I could have referenced the often cliched' "seize the day" idea.

Instead, I feel it more appropriate to our sameness discussion to encourage you to open your eyes and simply see.

Getting unstuck from sameness could be as simple as seeing each new day and its opportunities as a gift.

Simplistic, I realize, but nonetheless true and compelling.

I'm helped by the lyric line from Brett Dennen's song, "See the World."

"Days go by
Get out and see the world
Days go by
Get out and see the world with your own eyes" 1

Truth is, "days" indeed do "go by."

And as you age that seems more true with each sunrise.

So, what are you waiting for?

"Get out and see...!!"

  • See something new
  • See something with fresh perspective
  • See someone you haven't seen in awhile

Change the channel and discover that you have options

Cable tv gave us options on the network’s schedule.

Streaming arrived and gave us options...on our schedule.

Channel changing literally has new meaning in our current era.

You can stream, binge, pause, and pick up where you left off.

How cool is that?

The greater truth is that you have options.

Life is better that way wouldn't you agree?

Although options can create overwhelm it's still good to know that things don't have to remain the same.

  • Change the channel when you feel your emotions getting the best of you.
  • Change the channel when you're overwhelmed.
  • Change the channel when your life gets noisy.

Nothing has to stay the same, so remember…

  • Boredom opens the door to creativity
  • Seeing opens the door to opportunity
  • Change opens the door to available options

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