050: The Big 5-0!! 50 Big Ideas to Keep Going (Whatever Your Age)

050: The Big 5-0!! 50 Big Ideas to Keep Going (Whatever Your Age)
Photo by Kendall Scott / Unsplash

The "Big 5-0."

You've either hit that age milestone, you will in the near or not too distant future, or it's in your rearview mirror as you're now miles down the road.

As far as aging is measured, "50" is is like the buzzer at half-time of a ballgame or the seventh-inning-stretch in baseball.

You head to the locker room or dugout and assess where things are.

And then...

Well...I recommend heading back out onto the field full of energy for the second half or remaining innings (whatever your preferred sports analogy).

Why am I focused on 50?

This is our 50th issue!

And as with other milestone issues I like to reflect on the "game" - so to speak.

Next to reflection, it's also a good time to say "thanks."

  • Thanks for being part of our Personal Growth and Longevity (PGL) tribe.
  • Thanks for sharing our content with someone when you find it useful.


  • Thanks for embracing your aging journey with the renewed mindset and energy you're (hopefully) gaining from each week's issue.

With that in mind...

Use the following 50 highlights to stay in the game and keep winning (and growing) through your second half

Good inspiration is worth repeating.

And a useful formula or framework is an effective container for repetitive inspiration.

There's a practical A.R.T.istry to our PGL framework.

It's driven our content (and what's in-the-works) since the beginning.

  • Inspiration follows A-ction
  • Repetition creates R-esilience
  • Intention maximizes T-ime

Let's break it down into 50 thought-provoking highlights you can revisit, reflect on, and recycle for your own or someone else's growth and longevity journey.

Also...click the "number" link that follows each to review the related content.

A-ction inspires second-half wins

1 -"...big ideas could be what you need to make some equally big (or small) steps in your growth and longevity journey." - 045

2 - "What defines your life as you age is not merely your number of birthdays...it's your attitude about your number!" - 042

3 - "The problem with using "still" in front of what you want to do, change, or become is that you're locked into a decades-long or generational rut of inactivity on something that (if attempted) could be a tipping-point for your growth and longevity." - 039

4-"Failure to set yourself up for growth and longevity as you age risks producing more of the same that previous generations (had they known and been privy to what you have at your fingertips now) could have potentially lived healthier, longer, and perhaps more fulfilling lives." - 035

5-"A compelling purpose could be the single most meaningful aspect of your growth and longevity journey." - 030

6-"Being curious has the potential to unlock new ideas, compel new action, and develop untapped potential in you. On the other hand, squelching your curious nature keeps you stuck in the status quo." - 027

7-"Stop thinking and living like everyone else - make this your "renaissance era" and develop a range of compelling interests." - 024

8-"Your influence and legacy are defined by what you set in motion. Being the lead domino creates leverage - once it's set in motion some fascinating results can happen." - 021

9-"Get in touch with your inner-"hippie" and be intentional about aging well." - 018

10-"There are good (and beneficial) reasons to buckle-down and put on your hustle-pants. But before you do...why not push-pause and create a more sustainable "plan-be" for your life?" - 015

11-"...forward movement is fundamental to your life. But the sticking point for many (perhaps you) is thinking that the path to whatever it is you're pursuing or interested in is too steep to even take the first step." - 011

12-"It makes sense that if you want to improve your life…you must begin at the habit-level." - 07

13-"Personal growth begins when you do. Its sustained (longevity) when you take consistent action!" - 03

14-"Simply being good at something (“artistry”) involves time and good old-fashioned effort. A practical blend of both (time and effort) will kick-start your initiative." - 02

R-esilience grows through repeated second-half determination

15 -"It's better to age holistically than to be trapped in the downward spiral that's common with historical aging." - 049

16 - "Resilience is earned as you’re schooled in the basics…and school’s always in session." - 048

17 - Lighten your load so your longevity isn't weighed-down carrying more additional baggage than is necessary." - 046

18 - "Drama is ageless (no one is immune) but you can decide to engage-less with the drama you encounter." - 043

19 - "Nature provides a healthy disconnection from the increasingly numbing and unhealthy environment of staying cooped-up indoors."- 037

20 - "Your life is colorful tapestry of meaningful experiences that give you a cumulative advantage as you age." - 036

21 - "Carefree living is believing that best-is-yet-to-come through decisive action." - 034

22 - "Weaknesses reveal themselves in the moment or they become a monument that stands in contrast to the life you want to live as you age." - 031

23 - "Adaptability expands your capacity to welcome the changes and challenges of aging." - 029

24 - "Whatever season of aging you're in, mental longevity demands that you keep your thoughts in a consistent state of repair and renewal..." - 028

25 - "Your personal growth and longevity journey hinges on your ability to be grateful - regardless of what life throws your way." - 026

26 - "...aging well is truly about liberating yourself from the constraints of what others are doing or saying - especially if they're more inclined to act-their-age instead of pushing their personal limits." - 023

27 - "Intentionally doing hard things can increase your tolerance for uninvited challenges and produce the growth that's essential to aging well." - 022

28 - "Longevity favors resourcefulness." - 020

29 - "The aging and longevity journey isn't always smooth but self-awareness can help reduce the occasional friction." - 019

30 - "Overcome overthinking by growing comfortable with imperfection." - 017

31 - "Give attention to the words you speak regarding your life, your health, and your future. If not, self-talk could be undermining your life and legacy." - 016

32 - "The more you know about longevity the better equipped you are for it." - 013

33 - "There's not an athlete, employee, executive, creator, student, dad, mom, grandparent, retiree, maker, or anyone for that matter who has achieved success or sustained their success without being coachable." - 09

34 - "Your thoughts - good or bad - have the power to set the course for your life. It can help to think of your mindset as the thermostat that can shift the environment of your thoughts for or against you." - 06

35 - "Being resilient is a core ingredient of personal growth and longevity. Realistically, nothing you pursue can be achieved without it." - 04

T-ime maximizes second-half gains into a lasting legacy

36 - "No one who values personal growth in themselves or in others walks alone in a wisdom-vacuum. Accumulated wisdom is best shared." - 047

37 - "Time is unrelenting but so is your resolve if you mark your time according to your accomplishments, improving your physical health, and your priorities." - 044

38 - "Roll with the changes - it's the one thing we all have in common - because time is still on your side as long as you're alive, growing and...changing!" - 041

39 - "Friendship is a long-game and the meaningful f.e.w. stick around for the long-haul...if you balance the necessary give-and-take." - 040

40 - "Share the journey with those you love and care about as you age and you'll enhance your legacy." - 038

41 - "There's some "chase" left in you - keep pursuing what gives you (and those around you) joy and fulfillment." - 033

42 - "Your generational legacy is too valuable to be cursed with conflict." - 032

43 - "Your personal growth and longevity journey requires that you be intentional about how you reach your desired destination." - 025

44 - "There has to be more to retirement (and preparing for it) than merely not 'working'" - 014

45-"You have full permission to stop acting your age." - 012

46 - "It's easy to get sucked into life expectancy overwhelm at the expense of a more fulfilling perspective. What's worse is allowing what you hear about life expectancy to write the script for what could otherwise be the better years of your life." - 010

47 - "Language matters. And it often plays-your-cards when it comes to matters of age, longevity, and influence." - 08

48 - "Time is resource to be used. Use it to your advantage, keep it in perspective, and you’ll have less need to manage it." - 05

49 -"(If you just discovered this or someone shared it with you) Subscribe if you'd like to stay up to date and receive emails when new content is published! Or...if you're already part of our PGL community - share it with someone!"

50 - "Whatever you do - always Press on..."
