049: Focus on Your Well-Being When You Feel Out-of-Balance as You Age

049: Focus on Your Well-Being When You Feel Out-of-Balance as You Age
Photo by Aziz Acharki / Unsplash

Self-care gets a bad rap sometimes.

Likely because some take it to extremes with too much emphasis on “self.”

There’s a better way to go about it.

In fact, the concept I’ll share is - for all practical purposes - a key to aging.

I’m talking about your well-being.

Try this definition on-for-size:

Wellbeing is a holistic concept that encompasses all aspects of our lives. It’s about achieving a state of harmony and balance physically, mentally, and emotionally. Wellbeing goes beyond the absence of illness or stress; it’s about thriving and feeling good about ourselves and our lives.1


“…a state of harmony and balance…”

Sounds like something worth pursuing.

It beats living out of synch, in conflict, or out of balance.

Think of your well-being as a thriving physical, mental, and emotional eco-system that produces growth and longevity as you age

Recognize it, nurture it, and you’ll discover its life-sustaining capabilities.

  • Experiencing less extremes
  • Becoming more intuitive
  • Having a heightened awareness

Train your physical well-being

Don’t let the word “train” turn you off.

It’s a compelling word because it relies on action and movement.

Physical well-being is fundamental and it’s not only about your body.

In this context, let’s consider physical well-being as your life in general.

  • Your habits
  • Your lifestyle
  • Your outlook

Each are training tools that produce certain results in your life.

Good habits create opportunities.

An active lifestyle overrides sedentary damage.

A proactive outlook enlarges perspective.

Training your physical well-being enables you to push the extremes that second-half living demands of you.

Expand your mental well-being

How often have you been told to “keep-an-open-mind?”

Not the kind of openness that causes all sense of reason to spill out on the floor.

Expanding your mental well-being is about your mind’s elasticity and curiosity.

  • Can you wrap your mind around a new idea, a new concept, or a fresh approach that was once foreign to you?
  • Can you bend your mind to consider more than one point of view?
  • Can you be out-of-your-mind about something or someone without being annoying or offensive?

Ask yourself those questions routinely to keep your mental well-being in check.

Control your emotional well-being

Your emotional state enables you to be at peace, deal with anxiety, and it guides how you treat yourself and others.

Emotional well-being is an internal and relational dynamic that shapes your responses to circumstances and those you interact with.

Your emotional awareness occupies a substantial amount of territory in your well-being eco-system.

Emotional well-being is…

  • Realizing that you can’t always control what happens to you but you can control your response.
  • Living carefree and easy instead of uptight, tense, and anxious.
  • Believing in the power of gratitude to overcome any sense of entitlement.

Emotional well-being runs deep and once you explore its depth you’ll begin to discover how essential it is to aging well.

It's better to age holistically than to be trapped in the downward spiral that's common with historical aging

  • Training your physical well-being
  • Expanding your mental well-being
  • Controlling your emotional well-being

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