046: Baggage Weighs You Down as You Age - Travel Lighter!

046: Baggage Weighs You Down as You Age - Travel Lighter!
Photo by Eminent Luggage / Unsplash

Carry-on or checked?

Trunk or trunk plus car-top carrier?

Your preference or choice (out of necessity) says a lot about how you handle "baggage."

Me...I'm a carry-on and make-it-fit-the-trunk kinda guy.

I like to travel light as often as possible.

Hasn't always been that way.

And I often deal with pack-too-much syndrome (can you relate?).

Frankly, I sometimes carry too much "baggage" in my life.

This is an important realization as we age because second-half living comes with its own unique challenges aside from the baggage we choose to carry.

Those unique second-half realities (not baggage) include:

  • Adult children
  • Grandchildren
  • Aging parents
  • Retirement income
  • Health issues

It’s the excess baggage you carry into your second half era of life that adds to the load of age-based realities you're already carrying.

Traveling light becomes less of a choice and more of a luxury.

Lighten your load so your longevity isn't weighed-down carrying more additional baggage than is necessary

I purchased a travel backpack and some compression packing bags for my wife and I's recent beach vacation.

It's amazing how much I could fit in it as well as being able to store it beneath the seat in front of me for our flights.

Pack...compress...zip and go!

And I even had room for stuff I picked up along the way.

Make good use of available packing space as you travel through life because...

  • There's baggage you'll be tempted to inherit as you age
  • There's baggage that's dropped on you
  • There's baggage you must handle without taking ownership of it

Identify your own baggage instead of inheriting more

Generational baggage can be a heavy load to carry.

It might not be your baggage...but unfortunately you could be stuck with it.

But like all things family - you're stuck with them and they're stuck with you...baggage and all!

Actually, that's what makes family the dynamic culture it is.

We're birthed or adopted into a family unit and perhaps later create our own tribe of unique individuals - some have our personalties and others break-free and form their own.

As we age, those best and worst of us qualities and characteristics begin to rebound.

And you have a choice.

  • Stuff some self-awareness in your bag and let it guide you through the next era of your life.


  • Stay the course on those personal or generational "curses" and leave more baggage to be handled by others.

Don't know about you...but I choose to identify with self-awareness and growth instead of burdening those who didn’t sign up to be my baggage handler.

Beware of baggage left unattended

Maybe you didn't pay attention to it before.

But if and when you fly in the post 9-11 world you hear it more frequently over the airport intercom: "Do Not Leave Your Bags Unattended."

Unattended baggage could be benign or it could be trouble.

The familiar airport notification reminds us that it's not worth the risk either way.

Baggage is meant to be carried and at some point unpacked - not left behind for someone else to deal with.

The analogy carries...

  • How long has it been since you unpacked your bags...as in assessed your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health?
  • Who or what are you hoping will come along and pick it up for you...as in looking for someone to continue enabling your attitude, actions, or addictions?

Attend to your baggage.

It's yours!

You packed it!

Carry it to your destination and when necessary return it to it's proper place (wherever that is for you)!

Share the load but don't feel obligated to own it

Some baggage is too heavy for one person to carry.

It's like one of those footlocker trunks.

You know the one you'd pack for summer camp that has two handles on each end.

It's possible but awkward to carry it alone.

Though one person on each end makes the load a bit lighter.

But once it's dropped off - ownership remains with the person who packed it.

Aging exposes you to a lot of baggage that you didn't pack but you must - on occasion - help someone carry.

  • Adult children and their personal, relational, or parenting challenges
  • Grandchildren who are going off-the-rails and need your wisdom
  • Aging parents or grandparents who are facing their own mortality

These and more packable realities could use your assistance.


  • Share your perspective
  • Share your wisdom
  • Share your understanding, presence, and assistance as needed

The emotionally healthy and self-aware will not expect you to own their challenges.

Ownership is personal while help and support is simply the right thing to do when necessary.

Pack lighter as you age - there’s more than enough you’ll need to add to your baggage along the way.

  • Identify your baggage without inheriting it
  • Watch for unattended baggage
  • Share the load but avoid taking ownership of it

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