042: Someone Who Reached 100 Should Know Something About Attitude

042: Someone Who Reached 100 Should Know Something About Attitude
Photo by Tim Wildsmith / Unsplash



Though inspired is more like it!

Inspiration is 100% when it involves Mildred Kirschenbaum.

And speaking of "100" - Mildred staked her claim to that aging milestone in 2023.

But for her it's about way more than age.

As I've said here numerous times (and will continue to):

"Age is a number..."

That's why Mildred has inspired me way beyond her numeric age.

Her inspirational legacy will sustain you and your longevity-mindedness when nothing else will.

It's not medicinal.

It's not methodical.

It's not monetary.

What's Mildred's inspiring vibe?


Could be why her now viral "attitude" is the theme of her best-selling book Mildred's Mindset: Wisdom from a Woman Centenarian.

And thanks to Gayle (Kirschenbaum), her daughter, Mildred's attitude is on full display as result of a monumental video celebrating Mildred's well-earned wisdom on her 99th birthday.

There are more chapters to Mildred's story covered by NBC's Today Show, an article here and there, and daughter, Gayle's online and social media platforms.

Get acquainted with Mildred and I believe you'll understand why she is among my aging and longevity inspirations.

"I don’t think about ageing, I really don’t. I can’t believe how old I am.” 1
"It’s attitude, attitude,...I enjoy every day.” 2

A few months before Mildred's 100th birthday in August 2023, her daughter (Gayle) shared this brief summary of her mom's wisdom on her Instagram feed:

"Our attitude, our mindset, our thoughts effect our actions and our actions create our life." 3

What defines your life as you age is not merely your number of birthdays...it's your attitude about your number!

  • An attitude that produces gratitude
  • An attitude that protects you from entitlement
  • An attitude that prevents you from sweating-the-small-stuff

Give your attitude a gratitude check

Typically that point is flipped.

It’s your attitude that requires being checked.

As you age it’s essential to train yourself to be increasingly grateful.

You have much to be grateful for.

Routinely check your attitude of gratitude.

Rescue your attitude from the curse of entitlement

A major clue that your gratitude reserves are depleted is acting entitled.

Entitlement raises its ugly head when you lack self awareness about what you think you deserve vs. what is the sheer result of the grace and opportunity you've been given.
  • Remember where you've been.
  • Remember how far you've come.
  • Remember who and what has helped you along the way.

Entitlement acknowledges none of those.

Attitude uses those as a north star.

Strengthen your attitude through life’s realities

"Don't sweat the small stuff...!"


Because for the most part it's all "small-stuff."

What gets the best of you and your attitude with it is - in reality - life testing what you're made of.

You'll pass the test if...

  • You see your challenges as a training ground for growth and longevity.
  • You resist the urge to settle and instead become a pioneer.
  • You refuse to believe your best years are behind you.

With Mildred in mind - I also agree with Charles Swindoll - "“Life is 10% what happens to us but 90% how we react to it.”

Life (and aging) is indeed happening to you.

The key is what you're doing as it's happening.

  • Align your attitude with gratitude
  • Ditch any sense of entitlement
  • Don't sweat the small stuff

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