041: Two Questions That Class Reunions Compel You to Ask (and What They Reveal About Aging Well)

041: Two Questions That Class Reunions Compel You to Ask (and What They Reveal About Aging Well)
Photo by Laura Rivera / Unsplash

Did you ever wonder about why you're either excited about attending your school reunion or why the thought of attending dredges up feelings you would rather not experience?

Honestly, the former (excitement) is and always has been my reaction to the next reunion (I'll explain why in a moment).

But surprisingly, the latter (negative) emotions are what I discovered browsing articles that others wrote about anticipating an upcoming class reunion.

There are perhaps deeper (and more serious) issues why you might not look forward to seeing and reconnecting with former classmates.

I get it - some school memories are best left in the hallways you've long since moved on from.

Even so, I've discovered the common ground we all share once we close the yearbook on our school years.

There are two revealing questions every class reunion causes you to ask...

1-"What's changed?"

2-"What hasn't changed?"

I tucked those questions into my consciousness as my wife and I attended my Class of 1979 reunion with much anticipation and excitement.

I grew up in a relatively small to medium sized town and attended the same school for all 12 years.

A number of us in our graduating class of 108 or so had the cool experience of being together from 1st grade through 12th grade as well.

Thanks to the unique bonds of friendship, a priceless collection of "remember-whens," and the gift of social media many of us have stayed in touch and routinely gather for our reunions.

And now all these years since, change still reminds us of its reality and its rewards.

Class reunions - like aging in general - places you smack dab in the middle of the change-grid.

  • Compelling you to accept what's constant and timeless
  • Encouraging you to make, renew, and occasionally relive your memories
  • Guiding you to value and embrace the seasons of life

Build your growth and longevity on what's timeless and constant

Perhaps among the timeless realities in your life (and for me also) are family, friends, faith, and...

The fact that change happens!

Family is timeless because - bless their hearts - they're stuck with you (flaws, changes, and all).

Friendships are timeless because - some have stuck around for all these years (as you've changed and they've changed).

Faith is timeless because - without it you're stuck and with it you have hope (when change comes calling).

Each of these timeless gifts (family, friends, and faith) enable you to face the facts of change as you age.

Make memories so you have something meaningful to treasure as you age

Frame it this way:

Today's moments become tomorrow's memories...so make the most of your moments.

Let that guide you through the waves of change that come ashore in your life.

You're better equipped to deal with change when you see each moment as an opportunity to welcome new growth and equip you for longevity as you age.

And one day (sooner or later) you'll look back and have a framed memory that reminds you of where you were, who you are now, how far you've come, and who's in your corner.

Take a walk down memory lane on occasion and reflect on:

  • What you've overcome
  • How you've changed (or haven't…yet)
  • Who has stood beside you and is still there

Welcome each season of your life accepting that change is normal (not negative)

Deep roots are a major reason trees can weather whatever the seasons bring - heat, wind, cold, drought.

Your personal root depth (relationally speaking) is a liability or leverage for the seasonal changes in your life.

Shallow roots are a liability when the winds of change blow into your life.

Deep roots - on the other hand - give you leverage to grow through the inevitable changes that define each season of your life.

Think about it, haven't you lived long enough to realize that change is constant and normal?

It does you no good to react negatively when a particular season of change arrives.

On the contrary...

It does benefit you to be courageous and walk into those opportunities (or school reunions) where everyone is on common ground regarding the one thing we can't ignore...


Roll with the changes - it's the one thing we all have in common - because time is still on your side as long as you're alive, growing and...changing!

  • Be compelled by what's timeless and constant in your life
  • Make memories by making the most of your moments
  • Embrace change and its role in your life - season to season

Press on...
