037: The Wonder and Essential Reset Value of Nature and Time Outdoors

037: The Wonder and Essential Reset Value of Nature and Time Outdoors
Photo by Robin St / Unsplash

There are certain non-negotiables in my life.

And there's an outside chance that one of them is like second-nature to me.

See what I did there?

"Outside" and "nature."

I dropped those words intentionally to introduce you to one of my core non-negotiables.

If you allow it, daily life will keep you cooped-up and tech'd out.

A quick indoor-outdoor analysis of your life could reveal much about why you feel sluggish, depressed, ill-feeling, and a number of other maladies associated with lack of fresh-air.


If you're inclined to get outside of your box and do something new on a daily basis there are reasons why you seem less irritable, feel healthier, experience less stress, and even discover that those dreaded outdoor allergens aren't as much of an issue as you thought.

Nature provides a healthy disconnection from the increasingly numbing and unhealthy environment of staying cooped-up indoors

I believe there aren't many emotional or physical calamities that a moment (or ten) outdoors can't help.

  • Time outdoors enlarges perspective
  • Time outdoors cuts the monotony
  • Time outdoors encourages wellness

Reawaken your senses

Sounds, smells, and sensations.

There's a symphony of those in nature.

Early in the morning (weather permitting) I begin my day outdoors.

Birds sing. Leaves rustle.

In the evening (and late into the night on weekends) I close my day outdoors on my patio.

Crickets chirp. Frogs croak. An occasional coyote howls.

I hear the sounds of nature because I'm present...and listening.

You'll be amazed at the world going on around you when you engage with it.

The standard noise you're exposed to - TV, media, newsfeeds, social buzz - it's sensory-depriving.

When was the last time you dialed into a news media talking-head and when stepping away you said, "Wow, I feel so relaxed and refreshed...?"

If you're looking to feel refreshed and more carefree let's take this conversation outside...shall we!?

Counter your bias for being overstimulated indoors or in front of screens.

  • Step outside a minimum of once per day and listen. Listen to hear instead of listening to respond (re-read that last sentence and let it sink into your sense of awareness).
  • Step outside and put your feet on the grass (preferably shoeless). Feel something besides the synthetic surfaces you're accustomed to indoors or crammed into shoes.
  • Step outside and breath. Take three to five deep breaths (in your nose and out of your mouth).

There's an outside chance you'll feel drawn to nature more often than not.

Refresh your inputs

There's a monotonous amount of noise in life.

News-noise. Relational drama-noise. Tech and media-noise.

As they say, "name your poison."

The poisonous potential of a mind and body overstimulated by media and technology while under-stimulated by nature potentially undermines your ability to age well and be mentally and physically healthy.
  • Turn off the habitual and routinely monotonous digital input. Use, benefit from, and maximize digital engagement...but make sure you have some analog (non-digital) input.
  • Tune into your available outdoor environment. Pause. Listen. Hear.
  • Take a break (completely) from digital input for moments daily. And if you're inclined - extend the "fast" and experience the refreshing vibe more frequently.

Replenish your energy


A gentle morning or evening breeze.

The feel of grass, dirt, or sand beneath your feet.

I know I sound hippie-dippie here but trust me your energy reserves will thank me.

  • Evaluate your wellness according to the replenishing outdoor exposure you get daily.
  • Top-off-your tank each day with something natural instead of the common jolt of synthetic energy. Think fresh air and sunshine instead of energy drinks and overstimulting technology.

Natural (God-created) energy for health and wellness are all around you and yours to enjoy as you age

  • Reawaken your senses
  • Refresh your inputs
  • Replenish your energy

And as always -

Press on...
