034: Carefree...Is That An Achievable (or Worthwhile) Way to Live?

034: Carefree...Is That An Achievable (or Worthwhile) Way to Live?
Photo by Dan Dumitriu / Unsplash

Ever feel like you're carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders?

Well, certainly not the weight of the entire world (at least I hope not)...but maybe your own little corner of it.

And perhaps you've discovered that while aging lightens the load a bit - there's still a fair share of crap (yours and others) that you feel the need to carry.

A word nestled itself into my consciousness on our 40th anniversary beach vacation.

In fact, it became a theme for my entire week sitting in the sand, soaking up the coastal vibe in our favorite South Florida beachside location.

And I've determined to make it more of a theme in my life.


Because I need it to remind me that though I have to "carry" some "world-weight" (life, aging, and longevity doesn't let you off-the-hook on that reality) I can still experience the energy I get from my word of choice.

The word...?


Before I encourage you to nestle that word into your own weight-bearing consciousness there's a couple of things you need to know about being what I call, "carefree."

Let's talk about living carefree in the context of how Jesus covered it according to the Bible in the Book of Matthew.

Acknowledging the reality of our bias towards being "tired," "worn out, and "burned out," Jesus, among other related insights said,

"...learn to live freely and lightly." - Matthew 11:30, The Message

Being carefree is learned behavior.

It has more to do with having the capacity to bear the occasional weight you must carry - personally, circumstantially, and emotionally - rather than setting it aside, ignoring it, being dismissive and perhaps narcissistic.

Live carefree and become more emotionally engaged without being sucked into the drama that can easily engulf you as you age

  • Discover the power of an enlarged age-centric perspective
  • Be content to disconnect yourself from certain expectations
  • Adopt a belief in something better than average

I saw a sticker on a person's bright yellow Stanley tumbler at my local coffee shop.

The sticker was an image of a gravemarker with the epitaph:

"Cared too much..."

Maybe that's you.

Caring (to excess) and carrying the weight of whatever it is you're consumed by.

It's okay to "care" but make sure your self-awareness empowers you to free yourself when necessary.

Carefree living is having a big-picture perspective

Context matters.

But so does your perspective - especially one that's wider and provides you elevated views.

I latched onto this carefree idea during our beach vacation in two ways.

One was our air travel to and from.

The perspective from a 30,000 foot cruising altitude is much clearer than a ground-level perspective.

Clouds below - clear skies above (I love reflecting on this every time I fly).

A second carefree-enhanced perspective is gifted me when I sit on the beach and look at the endless horizon of water stretching in front of me.

Horizon-perspective reminds me that I'm small (and so are my problems, concerns...and cares) by comparison.

Aging should be a perspective enlarging experience (instead of a burdensome, life-sucking one).

  • Reflect on your life from a more elevated perspective - get above the "clouds" of doubt, fear, or unresolved issues.
  • Remind yourself that your horizon of potential, experience, and longevity stretches somewhat limitlessly in front of you.

Carefree living is unhooking yourself from unproductive and unrealistic expectations

Much of the weight you carry on your shoulders is placed there by others or is picked up along the way by you.

Who or why?

That's for you to evaluate.

You can be carefree while carrying a certain amount of responsibility or burdens.

The key is knowing when it's time to disconnect by asking yourself:

  • Is this unproductive as in enabling myself, someone, or something to control my abilty to choose?
  • Is it unrealistic to continue believing a behavior, an attitude, a goal, or a decision can lead to a better outcome?

Being carefree gives you space (and permission) to disconnect from the burden of unhealthy expectations.

You don't need that kind of negativity as you age (am I right?).

Carefree living is believing that best-is-yet-to-come through decisive action

This idea is among what I consider to be the essence of aging.

You might be tempted to think (or worse, believe) that your particular age is a curse of sorts.

That's the best-has-already-happened-or-passed-me-by thinking.

In this context, being carefree would flip that script and compel you to live as though the best (whatever that is for you)-is-yet-to-come.

But it won't come unless you take action!

  • Pursue interests, hobbies, ideas, and experiences that bring you happiness and joy.
  • Invest your unique skills, experience, and earned wisdom in opportunities that add value to the world at-large, your relationships, and your legacy.
  • Live like age is a number and make the most of yours (I've said this before and I'll keep saying it...lean into it).

Carefree (in my opinion) is the only way to be

  • Allow your age to enlarge your perspective
  • Give yourself persmission to disconnect from unproductive and unrealistic expectations
  • Open the door to new opportunties

Press on...
