031: Ignore at Your Own Risk (Your Weaknesses, That Is)

031: Ignore at Your Own Risk (Your Weaknesses, That Is)
Photo by Victor Freitas / Unsplash
"You can ignore your weaknesses, but you can't expect them to not impact you. The weakness of the coach shapes the players. The weakness of the teacher influences the students. The weakness of the parent molds the child." - James Clear

How often do you think about your weaknesses?

You could say, it depends.

No doubt there are moments where your weaknesses are obvious.

You can own those and get to work strengthening them (if you choose).

But it's those not so obvious weaknesses that can get the best of you.

Those require more soulful and strategic effort to add muscle.

Let's talk about weakness in the context of how well you're equipped physically, emotionally, and mentally in your quest to age well.

As James Clear reflects in the above quote, weaknesses can be ignored but doing so doesn't reduce or eliminate their impact on your life, health, and wellbeing.

Weaknesses reveal themselves in the moment or they become a monument that stands in contrast to the life you want to live as you age

I have weaknesses!

You have weaknesses!

Now that we've cleared the air let's go to work on them so they don't become your that's-just-the-way-I-am excuse.

Don't allow your weaknesses to define you.

  • Identify the difference between a legitimate weakness or a blind-spot
  • Discover the life-changing irony of identifying your personal weaknesses
  • Understand the impact-zone of your weaknesses

Distinguish your weaknesses from your blind-spots

Look at it this way - a weakness acknowledged is an opportunity to improve and strengthen what's lacking in your health, your mindset, your retirement planning, your financial portfolio, and your life in general.

On the other hand, a blind-spot can trip you up the longer you fail to acknowledge it.

Self-awareness applies here.

Being self-aware enables you to pinpoint your present blind-spots and more obvious weaknesses.

  • Seek feedback from trusted (emphasis here) relationships about your blind-spots.
  • Create an awareness-loop to establish accountability about your weaknesses and the steps you're taking to strengthen yourself and overcome them.

Own your weaknesses and experience what happens

Weakness becomes toxic and a threat to your life and longevity potential when you sweep them under the rug.

Owning or admitting your weakness/weaknesses puts you in a position of power.

The irony of weakness is best explained from a biblical reference.

The Apostle Paul, the writer of the Book of 2 Corinthians in the Bible, is lamenting what many scholars believe to be a physical condition - one he refers to as a "weakness."

He owns it by confessing,

"Three times I begged the Lord to take it away. Each time he said, 'My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.'"

Paul concludes his ironic discussion about his personal weaknesses by crediting his relationship with Jesus and confirming,

"...when I am weak, then I am strong."

We can do no greater than to own our weaknesses and discover what we have yet to experience on the other side of such a confession.

Leverage your weaknesses to your advantage

Your weaknesses can become a sort of get-out-of-jail card that you use with no intention of accepting rehabilitation.

In this context, weakness can manifest as:

  • Blaming others or something circumstantial.
  • Passing the buck.
  • Claiming immunity.
  • Becoming a master of b..s.

Those manifestations among others keep you locked in a cycle of victimhood that is toxic to vibrant aging and longevity.

Owned, admitted, and leveraged weakness compels you to take action to strengthen and improve yourself, your health and wellness, and your growth and longevity potential.

  • Account for the "bucks" you pass about your weaknesses
  • Face the facts and make whatever necessary adjustments you can.
  • When you're tempted to place blame on someone or something regarding a particular weakness instead reflect on what personal attitudes or habits contributed to it.

Admitting your weaknesses enables you to break free from having to meet unfulfilling expectations

  • Distinguish between your weaknesses and your blind-spots
  • Own your weaknesses and experience the irony of newfound strength
  • Leverage your weaknesses instead of being victimized by them

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